i-Maths is an intuitive, fun and early learning math program for kids aged 3 to 7 years old. Through puzzles, activities, games and tangrams, your child will start to develop creative and critical thinking skills.
The i-Maths program fosters enthusiasm in your child towards math and makes learning fun. This well-researched math program for kids is designed in accordance with how children learn and digest mathematical concepts.
Children who start to learn math early, persevere long! Through the i-Maths program, we develop children’s cognitive thinking abilities in a more practical and fun-based approach. In our program we:
This is an afforable math program designed for toddlers which is focused on trilateral math methods.
It is a great way to get children to reinforce the concepts of math in different ways so they feel confident.
We focus on the growth of the child. Through i-Maths you should expect a stronger foundation on math and its core concepts, better communication skills and presnetation skills, stronger problem solving skills and be a team player.
Once your child is in that age bracket where they can enroll into i-Maths, we strongly recommend to do so.
Not only will they learn the core fundimentals to be ahead, but also will have a lot of fun doing so.
Find out more about our programs.